The professional mattress cleaning technology we use not only rids bedding of mites, mite droppings and fungal spores. It also helps remove moisture and aerate mattress layers.

Mattress cleaning is important, hotel or home – keep all your beds fresh

Look after yourself, your family and your customers with immaculate bedding

We all know how important a good night’s sleep is. The mattress cleaning is an important part of that. We spend a third of our lives in bed, which means our mattresses are a paradise for nasty bacteria and hard-to-see mites. Those nasties are a problem for people with allergies and asthma, but also those without.

At Service King, we’ll professionally clean your mattresses and pillows efficiently and effectively. For hotels and homes throughout Auckland, no job is too big or too small. Give the Service King team a call today to ensure better sleep and better health for those most important to you.

Why get your mattress cleaned?

According to the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand, around 70 – 80% of asthma is associated with allergies. One of the most common allergens is house mite droppings. And where in the home is mites’ favourite place to hide? In your mattress!

The fact we spend a third of our lives lying on mattresses not only contributes to the seriousness of the problem but is a key reason for the problem. While you’re in bed you’re losing millions of dead skin cells. These are so microscopically tiny they fall easily through the weave of night attire, sheets, mattress protectors and mattress ticking into the support layers of your mattress. There they and accumulated dander, fungal spores and dust become dinner for dust mites. Adding to the appeal of mattresses to dust mites is the average six teaspoons of moisture an adult body gives off each night; this moisture and body heat create an environment that’s paradise for mites.

Keep Your Mattress Clean

  • Use natural linen or cotton covers and wash them when washing sheets & pillow covers
  • A monthly vacuum will leave mattresses dust & lint free, thus prevent bed bugs germination
  • Wipe/blot spillage immediately
  • On sunny days, aired the mattresses to dry out the bodily moisture
  • Steam clean annually


Note: Mattress cleaning for motels, hotels, rest homes or public accommodation are required more frequent service to keep them hygienically clean. Germicidal sprays or mists are also available to keep them smelling fresh & odour free.

If someone does have allergies in your home, you may need to vacuum more frequently and/or make purchasing a mattress cover a necessity.