Beautiful lawns, tailored to your needs!
Let us take the hard work out of a beautiful lawn. With 22 years of experience, Sharper Cut Lawns know what your lawn needs. Our business exists on the belief that our customers’ needs are of utmost importance. This is why we tailor our mowing services – no two lawns are the same so we design a service just for you.
How often should one mow?
For prime results, lawns look best and are healthiest when they are cut regularly. But how often should one mow? Our services can be undertaken whenever deemed necessary – weekly, fortnightly, monthly, casually or even by hour. Our operators have been trained to give accurate quotes depending on job type and yard size, giving you great value and peace of mind.
Speciality lawn mowing services
Call us for residential grass cutting and edge cutting, lawn establishment and regular lawn maintenance. We also specialise in mulcher mowing; a time-saving and eco-friendly way to mow. Clippings are distributed over the lawn during mowing which saves 40% on the cost of catcher mowing and decreases the need for waste disposal. Mulcher mowing also provides lawn fertilisation. No lumps, just a healthy lawn.
Mow That House
Overgrown Lawns?
No more stalky, messy looking lawn! We will cut to height and keep it that way.
No time to cut?
We can provide a regular cutting service anytime that suits you. That’s one thing off your to-do list!
Unsatisfactory lawns?
Tired of looking at a weedy, patchy, or thin lawn? We can help you achieve lawns that you can be proud of.